We got our FIRST Postcard today and so Chago did the hokey pokey dance yee haa!
And this is what our sender wrote at the back of the postcard in red:
"Hei, This picture is for a children song, about spring, flowers, and walking without shoes, Hapy post-Crossing.
Anikka Kaller of Sweeden :D
Anikka Kaller of Sweeden :D
I love the stamp too! A man feeding the steam engine's coal burner or whatever you call that...
Will look it up tomorrow morning.
Gah! My ignorance!
In my Post Crossing Profile, I mentioned how I wanted my postcards to be in their native language and without translation.
Great, now I realized that these comes with hyphens etc and what IF i receive a postcard in Japanese or Chinese???
So, now I would need to do some editing in my profile
If anyone knows how to translate this, do help!
Till I post Cross again!